

14 – 20 July
Croatia: Producing a Bible selection in local Sign
Language will help spread the Good News among the Deaf communities of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Pray that this translation will become a cornerstone for Bible engagement.
Slovenia: The audio recording of the Old Testament to accompany the existing audio of the New Testament in Slovenian will offer the complete Bible to many Slovenians. Pray for this project and for the right person to complete this work.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina is an impoverished country with minimal prospects. In these circumstances, minority groups are sometimes entirely marginalised. Pray for efforts to make the Bible available in Bosnian and that God’s Word will offer hope. 
Serbia: Pray for cooperation between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Bible Society of Serbia to increase Bible engagement. Pray that this project will further ignite an interest in studying the Word.

Download the quarterly (Q3 2024) PDF document here.


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